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Serov, the last of its kind
In October 2014 I got a rare chance to visit not one of the..., but the most valuable mill in Russia, the famous Serov iron & steel plant (established in 1894).
What makes the site that unique is the blast furnace site. Large casting hall is housing 9 blast furnaces in a row (only 2 are active today), the coke is charged by aerial ropeway, ore and other raw materials by charging cars and skip buckets.

Learn more about this jewel + more images on my website under this link

Serov, Russia
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Viktor Macha
Tous photos dés:Viktor Macha - anzeigen
Date d'ajout: 6 Mar 2015
Dimensions:952 x 803 pixels
Affichées:7583 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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