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Nedstaal BV
Nedstaal is producing customized steel products and is situated in Alblasserdam (NL) at the river Noord
The company was founded in 1938 as part of the Nederlandse Kabelfabriek (NKF). They fabricated steel strip and wire for electric cables. It was one of the few companies that has applied the Siemens Martin Furnace process . In the 50s there was a switch to the blast oxygen furnace: there are installed two electric furnaces.
In 1960 Nedstaal has been taken over by Philips, and in 1975 it passed into the hands of Thyssen Stahl AG (now ThyssenKrupp). Since 1998 the company became independent again after a management buy-out. In 1999 a collaboration with the Swedish Fundia AB was established, that in turn became part of the Finnish steel company Rautaruukki. In 1999 the company was divided into two separate limited companies, namely Fundia Nedstaal (later Ovako FNSteel) and Nedstaal BV.
Fotografin / Fotograf:Niko Cobben
Alle Bilder von:Niko Cobben - anzeigen
Hinzugefügt am:19.Mai 2013
Abmessungen:950 x 622 Pixel
Angezeigt:6316 mal
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