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Galerie > Stahlindustrie (Steel Works) > Stahlindustrie Grossbritannien (Great Britain)
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Bolckow and Vaughan's Ironworks, Middlesborough
Henry Bolckow and John Vaughn's mining and iron businesses were responsible for driving the population growth of Middlesborough in the early 1870's to 40000 inhabitants from only 40 in the late 1820's.
They were the largest producer of steel in Britain in the early 1900's with over 20000 employees and iron & steel works that stretches for over 700 acres along the banks of the Tees as well as 26 collieries.
By 1929 they were bankrupt and had been taken over by Dorman Long and subsequently liquidated.

This is all that remains...
Fotografin / Fotograf:Richard Dodd
Alle Bilder von:Richard Dodd - anzeigen
Hinzugefügt am:24.Februar 2013
Abmessungen:900 x 605 Pixel
Angezeigt:6823 mal
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