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Galerie > Stahlindustrie (Steel Works) > Stahlindustrie Europa (Europe)
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panoramic view of the Donezk steel mill with a coke plant and colliery in the foreground.
The open hearth (Siemens-Martin) plant is visible on the right hand side of the headframe. (Two steel and two brick chimneys). It has been closed down one week after our visit.
Left from the open hearth building the steel skeleton of the new building for the electric arc furnace and continuous caster can be seen (under construction).
Fotografin / Fotograf:Harald Finster
Alle Bilder von:Harald Finster - anzeigen
Hinzugefügt am:20.April 2012
Abmessungen:2745 x 700 Pixel
Angezeigt:7375 mal
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