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Sheffield Steel Industry, April 2012 (6)
Rolling mills site, Tinsley
A typical view of the disappearance of industry. Some replacement industry can be seen in the distance, but empty spaces are the norm in the current economic situation. Much of the output of rolled sections in the area was for smaller specialist sections rather than the heavy sections associated with the big rolling mills at integrated steelworks.
This is the last of my little set of images of the steel industry in Sheffield in 2012, showing that some still survives, although a lot has disappeared and is still disappearing.
Fotografin / Fotograf:Alan Murray Rust
Alle Bilder von:Alan Murray Rust - anzeigen
Hinzugefügt am:16.April 2012
Abmessungen:1000 x 610 Pixel
Angezeigt:6847 mal
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