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Das Erbe - The Heritage
The entrance to the Reden colliery clearly shows the taste promoted by the Nazi dictatorship. While the building style symbolizes modernism and seems to be politically neutral, the miner's statue and the frieze cleary show the dictator's taste. The frieze only survived because the swastika symbols are hidden. Heroic looking statues seem to be typical for government controlled decoration. My opinion towards this style is well characterized by the modern additions to the left of the entrance.
Although the presentation is not precisely my taste, I recommend a visit of the "Das Erbe" exhibition. It is better than the old Bexbach mining museum.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Horst Bauer
Tous photos dés:Horst Bauer - anzeigen
Date d'ajout:24 Fev 2013
Dimensions:850 x 596 pixels
Affichées:7083 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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