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School Yard View
This painting was just in a group exhibition called, "Notions of Home and Place" at the University of Winnipeg Alumni Show, which I am an alumni. The idea was what home meant to the artists in the show.
When I was a child growing up in The Pas in northern Manitoba, (a small town of 6000 people), there is a rail yard directly across the school that I attended.
I was always fascinated by this site and I would look at it quite intensely at times. At times I would sneak in the yards, just to look around, much to the dismay of my father who was a locomotive engineer at the time.
I have not seen the site for 34 years and again this painting is from memory. Someone recently took a photograph of the yards while they visited The Pas. They told me I have a very good memory.
I still dream about the site from time to time.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Racheal Tycoles
Tous photos dés:Racheal Tycoles - anzeigen
Date d'ajout:15 Dec 2007
Dimensions:1024 x 532 pixels
Affichées:7287 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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