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Italiana Coke
This is the last active/existing independent coke plant in Italy.

Since 1913 here it used to be located an open air coal storage, connected by a cableway to Savona harbour and Vado Ligure coke plant. It was decided to built it on a flat a few kilometers in the hinterland because of the lack of space on the coast.
After more than twenty years, Italiana Gas (Vado Ligure coke plant owner) and Montecatini companies, together decided to built an integrated coke-chemical complex nearby the coal storage. In 1935 Cokitalia company was founded (50% Italiana Gas, 50% Montecatini) and the coke plant was built. One year later the chemical factory (ammonia and nitrogen) was completed. In the beginning, the coke plant had only two batteries, rised up to five between 1938-39. The coke-chemical complex was the biggest of its kind in Italy, and one of the most important in western Europe.
In 1980 all independent coke plants were owned by Italiana Coke, a company of ENI group (oil, coal and chemistry). These coke plants were: Fornicoke in Vado Ligure, Cokapuania in Avenza, Vetrocoke in Porto Marghera and Cokitalia in Cairo Montenotte (this one).

Historical overview (1939)

Quenching (1951)

Gasometers inside the ammonia plant (1951)
Fotografin / Fotograf:Marcello Modica
Alle Bilder von:Marcello Modica - anzeigen
Hinzugefügt am:23.September 2009
Abmessungen:1000 x 672 Pixel
Angezeigt:7723 mal
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