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Maltby Colliery
Maltby Colliery is in South Yorkshire and Sinking commenced in 1907 with production starting in 1911. The mine has had a difficult time in the past few years and in February 2007 was sold to Hargreaves Services by UK Coal plc. With a workforce of around 500 it is now producing c800,000 tonnes of coal a year of which more than 60% goes to Drax power station. The colliery also supplies coking coal to the Monckton coking plant.
Fotografin / Fotograf:David Kitching
Alle Bilder von:David Kitching - anzeigen
Hinzugefügt am:25.März 2009
Abmessungen:1131 x 310 Pixel
Angezeigt:8063 mal
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